Signs of Change

Speculative Design Workshop for teenagers and young adults

What will our world look like in 20 or 30 years? Will it be hot? Will parcels be delivered with drones?
What can we offload to AI? What will be allowed and what will not? What do we have to pay attention to?

The globally successful project Signs of Change by the international team based in Canada and Sweden is visiting Schmalkalden.
In a 2.5-hour workshop you can get to know how future foresight & innovation strategists and speculative designers work. Together, we speculate about futures and develop signs for the world and Schmalkalden of tomorrow. The resulting signs from the workshop will be displayed temporarily in the city of Schmalkalden next year.

November 25th 2024, 16:30 - 19:00h

Weidebrunner Gasse 6
98574 Schmalkalden

Register for the workshop